

Moving Forward!: This latest walkthrough of Expansion Set Apart showcases the installation of drywall, windows, 外立面也开始成型.

February 22, 2024 – Our February walkthrough shows Expansion Set Apart is starting to take shape toward an end product! As the excitement continues to build toward the campus we have envisioned together as a family, 最终什么是最鼓舞人心的, is the potential impact on our students and the entire Foundation Academy culture! This year as we celebrate 65 years of providing a Christ-centered education, we look forward in faith the the future as we produce the next generation of Christian leaders.


Moving Forward!: The latest update with President Dave Buckles shows the exterior and interior progress at our Tilden Campus.

January 24, 2024 – Expansion Set Apart is moving ahead of schedule! 连接我们的入口和礼拜中心自助餐厅的新入口已经建成,并将很快沿着整个正立面延伸(更多细节即将公布)。. We are blessed that all inspections have passed, and the crews will be drywalling soon. Also, our new educational building’s front entrance showcasing our four pillars is in place. It is intended to highlight the four pillars of the Foundation educational experience of Faith, Academics, Fine Arts, and Athletics.

Scripture Wall Signing & Prayer Day

November 16, 2023 – On October 26, 2023, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场家庭, staff, 还有来自我们澳门威尼斯人网上赌场大家庭的学生, Plant St., Tilden, and Lakeside gathered together to celebrate the latest progress of Expansion Set Apart, 自助餐厅/礼拜中心和新的教育大楼. 这一天充满了祈祷, conversation, tours with President Buckles and signing of the walls with scripture. 扩展设置分开继续向前发展,以满足澳门威尼斯人网上赌场基督为中心的教育的需求. Together with you and the church we continue to build a foundation for life.



June 29, 2023 – Expansion Set Apart is in full swing on our Tilden Campus! Last week the footer was completed for our new educational buildings. This week our construction crews are moving dirt; the pump truck is preparing to pour the footing for the cafeteria. As we approach the new school year, several walls are expected to be in place. The main entrance to the Tilden campus is being expanded to accommodate traffic, our students, and landscaping.

我们感到幸运的是,我们有一个有才华和敬业的承包商和工作人员,因为《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》将朝着未来发展. As always, 我们感谢我们的家人的奉献和持续的参与,帮助澳门威尼斯人网上赌场建立生活的基础!


Senior Walkway 01

May 17, 2023 – President Buckles and Vice President of Education, Mrs. Grosshans, 在发展副总裁的帮助下, Liefke Meyers, 家庭充实处处长, Jessica Robb, 蒂尔登校长夫人. Sarah Reynolds, officially opened the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场高级步道. Seniors and their parents attended the ribbon cutting just before the Annual Class Luncheon on our Plant St. Campus.

The Senior Walkway sits on the east side of the Campus Life Center. It has ten benches, 从2023年毕业班的纪念砖开始,到最后一个长凳旁的历史捐赠砖结束. The benches in between will celebrate the following eight graduation classes. This addition to campus will provide another place for our students to enjoy the outdoors at Tilden, promote fellowship, 提高我们的晨间休息体验!

特别感谢我们的高年级学生, their parents, and the entire Development team who helped complete the Senior Walkway!

食堂/礼拜中心奠基(2024年冬季) & 总统宣布

April 27, 2023 – Thursday, April 27, 2023, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场董事会, Campaign committee, 市长和市政官员, 蒂姆·格罗尚牧师和马西奥·尼恰罗尼牧师, Cheerleaders, Steel Drums, and over 100 students and parents braved the rain to celebrate the $2,000,这将使我们的自助餐厅/礼拜中心破土动工,该中心将于2024年冬季开业.

In addition, 校长戴夫·巴克尔斯(Dave Buckles)宣布,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场还将扩建蒂尔登校区,新的教室空间预计将于2025年冬季开放!

Foundation Academy, the board, and the Development team wish to express their appreciation to Mom’s in Prayer, 这个项目从一开始是谁负责的, all our parents, grandparents, Church members, and FA staff who prayed and gave from the heart to make this initial groundbreaking a reality! 



Great News! 冬季花园市批准


冬季之城花园已经批准了建筑许可证,我们已经准备好了,我们正在努力获得所需的资金,达到2美元,000,000 to break ground. 这些效果图令人鼓舞,因为它们展示了用于多种目的的空间,在午餐时团契,然后在周日的学生礼拜堂和教堂敬拜基督.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场举行剪彩仪式,正式启用位于蒂尔登校区的新创世纪机器人室(特别感谢道恩 & Doug Eldridge的资助); designed to inspire creativity, improve STEM Skills and prepare our Robotics teams for competitions. 此外,我们向乔治·德萨维亚警官致敬 (A special 感谢德里克和杰西卡·德萨维亚的资助221号教室将以他的名字命名. These classrooms are the latest developments in the school’s capital campaign project, Expansion: Set Apart. Stay tuned for exciting new updates on the campaign’s next projects. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场感谢它的董事会, donors, staff, church members, and generous families, 但主要是感谢上帝的赐予! 点击这里了解更多


资本活动第一阶段的正式公开启动需要为蒂尔登校区的自助餐厅/礼拜中心筹集资金,该中心可以为100多人提供服务,000 students, Church members, 社区每年. 这将是一个家庭聚会的好地方, fellowship, 吃和喂养“身体和灵魂”的统一. 许可证被撤销了, 家庭和教会成员正在加紧努力,共同祈祷和支持这个项目. The full project is $4.500万美元,我们需要200万美元的承诺来破土动工. 如果你有兴趣在这个关键项目上合作, 点击这里获取更多信息,并给出: http://8w.ourbabyplace.com/campaign/


On February 24, 2022, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场在蒂尔登校区举行剪彩仪式,正式启用新教学楼.  This building will host many academic classes, including Art, Band, and Science.  This classroom building is part of the latest developments in the school’s capital campaign project, Expansion: Set Apart.  这次扩建将允许更多的学生进入学校,并将为学生提供最新和最先进的设施和设备.  Stay tuned for exciting new updates on the campaign’s next project, 一家自助餐厅计划于今年秋天破土动工. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场感谢董事会, generous donors, and steadfast families, 但主要是感谢上帝的赐予 for this beautiful new classroom building to open. 

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凯利家庭运动附件和兰普金斯家庭力量和调节中心于10月8日正式开放. 戴夫·巴克尔斯总统主持了剪彩仪式. Winter Garden First Baptist Lead Pastor Tim Grosshans opened the ceremony with prayer. Foundation Academy was proud to have Winter Garden’s Mayor John Rees in attendance for the special event. Members of each family were able to deliver some remarks regarding the opening, 格雷厄姆·兰普金斯强调, 奇普和卢安·兰普金斯的孙子. 兰普金斯和凯利一家为外门剪彩,举办了一个小型社交活动,让朋友和家人一起庆祝这个特殊的日子.

感谢所有参加的人,我们期待着该中心将为所有英足总运动员提供多年的发展! On Foundation!

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Thursday, September 23, 格罗尚斯牧师加入了戴夫·巴克尔斯主席的行列, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场管理, and some of our parents to write scripture on the walls of the new classroom expansion. The new expansion will have specialized educational space that includes a new art room, science labs, and a band room.

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Enjoy this classroom expansion video update from President Buckles!


The Gym Floor is looking better than ever with its new lion branding!

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通过一些恶劣的逆境 天气好,FA仍在前进!

Leiferman Gymnasium: 莱弗曼体育馆目前正在重新装修并重新命名,以获得全新的外观,并将很快为我们的球队恢复训练和比赛做好准备.

Gym Expansion: 体育馆扩建已经安装了地板,并准备增加澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的狮子品牌元素和新设备. 狮子的心脏比以往任何时候都跳动得更响!

Parking: 停车场加上了条纹,看起来很漂亮! 我们的暑期教师和管理人员本周开始使用它. 

Classroom Expansion: The addition to the Campus Life Center of 8 new specialized classrooms is taking shape. 在这里,你可以看到我们的学生将很快走过的一些门道,为生活奠定基础!

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Gym Floor Resurfacing
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Gym Expansion Flooring
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View of the Classroom Expansion Hallway from the Second Story Window


施工人员一直在努力工作,这周增加了几个新的更新,我们很高兴分享! In just a few days, the appearance of the campus has changed so much.

The curbs are being added to the expansive new parking lot which means it’s one day closer to being completed.

The beginnings of a road behind the gym expansion are in its early stages of production. 你可以通过新健身房扩建的窗户或从它连接到新停车场的地方偷看一下这个项目.

Overlooking the classroom expansion behind the Campus Life Center, the walls have started to rise! 见证城墙的建造是令人难以置信的兴奋,因为一堆泥土可以如此迅速地变成一座宏伟而实用的建筑.

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Big things are happening at the Tilden Campus and we are so excited to share them with you! 

新的停车场和道路入口都铺好了! 还有一些收尾工作要做,但额外的停车场将是我们的家庭在许多澳门威尼斯人网上赌场活动期间的一个伟大的补充.

我们的健身房扩建已经完成! At this point, we are just waiting for the floors and equipment to be installed. Be on the lookout for ribbon-cutting ceremony details in the near future. 

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心大楼后面的教室扩建正在顺利进行,有望在2022年春假之前完工, if not sooner! 

As our family grows, 对更大设施的需求不断增长,我们非常幸运能够为我们的学生提供最优秀的学习环境.

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铺砌停车场及曼恩路. Entrance
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建设正在稳步推进. 体育馆扩建部分的地基已经挖好了, 除了任何重大挫折, 健身房的扩建将在夏季开始前完成! 我们的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场每天运行16个小时,这对我们的道路建设和停车来说是一个挑战. 我们希望有一些新的道路 & 停车场将于5月开放,6月完工. 

Dave Buckles

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如果你还没有被 Tilden campus 最近,事情发生了变化. They have moved 70,000立方码的泥土来建一个新池塘, filled in low areas for new parking lots and built the ramp for the new exit to Mann road! 健身房扩建的准备工作, 新的健身房将建在哪里, 正在进行中,我们的目标是在 May 1st! 我们还将为增加的主楼做准备,所以办公室将在春假期间关闭,同时这项工作完成. 

Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to navigate a construction project while school is in session. 

Dave Buckles

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New Ramp to Mann Rd.